Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

Emmy Taziani

I grew up in a house where money was an issue. My parents both had their money blocks which conditioned me into a particular mindset then coded into my body.

“I have to work hard for money”

“Money doesn’t grow on trees”

I noticed how much I held in regards to money and financial freedom and the difficulty I had in manifesting it.

Until I used everything in MONEY HONEY!

These are my tried and tested techniques which brought about my success in manifesting money but my clients too!

I’ve manifested over 10k, a new car and a booming business. I often win money and am gifted items from lovely people. Join me in rewriting the story so many of us hold in MONEY HONEY!

Course FAQ

  • Start with the powerpoint and PDF. This will guide you through the learning.

    Then, listen to the audio to help with neural rewiring and use the worksheets to support you in creating new habits.

  • You are going to rewire your subconscious. This is where your core beliefs are held.

    Don't get it twisted, you do not need to consciously believe but the aim is to change your subconscious programming as it runs the show.

    By thinking as though you have it, your subconscious takes it as gospel as the quantum field selects your desired reality, having money. It is far easier to bring awareness when your subconscious is programmed in your favour.

  • If you put the work in and apply everything here in MONEY HONEY consistently and don't think against your desires!